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Advertisement of the Mona Lisa

Artist’s Statement

With many products of almost the same type and capability of drawing the audience attention, there is a strong need to do a sell out for the name and functions of a product of interest. This process of popularizing a given product is generally called advertisement. This present advertisement displays the portrait of Lisa del Giaconda, an Italian woman, done by Leonardo da Vinci in 1503-1517. The picture has definitely withstood the test of time by maintaining the status of the most parodied, the most sung about, the most written about, and the most visited artwork in the world. The painting has a strong resemblance to the Virgin Mary, who at that time was seen as the ideal woman that any other person would have wished to be associated with. The advertisement tries to sell out the Mona Lisa’s portrait that is put in a wooden frame accompanied with the following words: “The most visited, the best known, the most sung about and the most parodied work in the world” to show the prominence it has gained over the years.

The Focus

This advertisement focuses on the portrait employing the elements of design such as dots, lines, shapes (both 2-D and 3-D), colors, texture, scale, and value (The components of the visual process, slide 5). The advertisement under consideration is produced to serve for decorative purposes, for instance, it may decorate the walls of a room. Blending of the elements is distinct from the foreground, while the background is easily identifiable. The general ambiance of the advertisement represents an inspirational mood because of the nature of the painting that looks natural. This is obtained by the properties of the painting such as the landscape and a distant bridge that places a person in the imaginary landscape. The dimensions of the advert are 75cm by 150cm, making it sizable for decorations on walls.

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The general design of the advertisement uses an auxiliary balance with the frame slightly contrasting the real painting. The advertisement also concentrates on the gender portrayal and the idea of the gaze with the imaginary order taking prominence from among the three orders. The portrait’s background though imaginary has a unique impression with the hills and the winding paths giving a realistic portrayal of the landscape. The concept of gaze in the portrait is evident as the woman is painted to be gazing at the viewer with intimated appearance (Gender Portrayal and the Idea of the Gaze, slide 7). The portrait also has a sense of authenticity and universalism from the way it has been preserved and praised on many occasions. These are postmodernism characteristics that give it a unique property and acceptance in the present world (chapter 8, slide 9).

The portrait also provides reflexivity of nostalgia with the picture showing communication with the past in connection with the present (Chapter 8, slide 6). In this light, the picture has features that may seemingly be found in the present era such as veil and other clothing. The smooth face of the woman also shows nostalgic communication between the past and the present, as those characteristics are also applicable for the beautiful ladies of the present era. The portrait therefore indicates that the ancient women had similar qualities; hence, there is a connection of cultures in the two different timelines.


The Work and How It Relates to Your Concept

The present advertisement is a unique and modern work of art which is closely connected to the product advertised. The credits the portrait has received over the decades as the best artwork in the history of painting confirms its status. A keen look evokes a feeling of admiration as the picture retains its unique usage of elements and principles of design. In this sense, it is substantially related to the concept of uniqueness which attracts people worldwide. In this respect, the painting advertised becomes iconic and serves as reference material for other upcoming artists who would wish their work to have the same recognition.

Despite the fact that the advertisement shows an ancient portrait dating back to hundreds of years, it still possesses present visual technologies as well as reproduction. This makes its uniqueness more prominent and its properties more identifiable (Chapter 5, slide 11). The perspective utilized has a strong connection with the present, and this makes the portrait seem to be a blueprint for the modern drawing as well as the artwork that have brought the real world to an extent of being easily reproduced by the artists. The advertisement has no boundaries as it can be generally accepted notwithstanding any social characteristics. The acceptance of the advertisement in many places adds weight to its uniqueness as it is very rare at present for an advertisement to be accepted by all layers of the society. Generally, the use of space in the advertisement is average and balanced 

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The Anticipated Audience

The audience of this advertisement may be anyone who appreciates given artwork or art in general. The advertisement may be predicted to interest those who admire the principles of design (such as contrast, emphasis, balance, harmony, repetition, movement, and abstraction) and can identify  their usage in the art work. For example, in the painting, contrast is used to make a special emphasis or accentuate some parts of the portrait. Another design principle is rhythm. It could be seen in the winding lines used in the background landscape to depict the hills as well as other features. 

The audience as well should be able to appreciate the timeframe of the portrait by an original painter Leonardo da Vinci as well as the time spent to make an advertisement. The time is taken to finish the work and the fame it has garnered to this very time, many decades away from the time it was created. In this case, the audience can be anybody, young and old, rich or poor, learned or illiterate as long as they have passion for the portraits such as the one under discussion. The advertisement, therefore, has no boundaries regarding age or any other aspect of social life. It is suitable for all age groups in the society, which makes it a universal item.

Your Anticipated Impact on an Audience

The audience usually seeks to address their varied needs in an artwork. For example, those who appreciate the use of perspective as a high component of artwork will have their taste addressed. The individuals recognizing the usage of natural colors have their taste also addressed as the portrait is made with natural colors given that the time it was created the modern colors had not taken root. The audience with an appreciation of the principles and elements of drawing will also be pleased as almost all the principles and elements of design are observed and are identifiable from the portrait.

The general audience has their interests addressed as the picture is adorable without looking at anything from it in particular. It portrays a real life image that is unique in its way; hence, it can evoke admiration from the audience who has nothing in particular to pay attention to. The advertisement has a positive impact on the audience as it addresses almost all the aspects of visual art that a person can admire on a portrait. In this respect, the advertisement is worth recommending to a person of any status as they are definitely assured to draw pleasure and satisfaction from its presence. With the discussed qualities of the portrait, the advertisement is qualified to be the best in attracting attention of the audience.

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