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Buy a Case Brief: Academic Help for Law Students

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If you are a law student who is having a difficult time writing a legal brief, you are definitely not alone. There are thousands of students in the exact same position. When they need some academic assistance, they buy a case brief from the custom writing services of TopDissertations.com. We provide specialized case brief writing service that can help you improve your grades and free up your time!

What Exactly Are Case Briefs?

In a nutshell, a case brief provides comprehensive analysis about a particular legal case that you have chosen to discuss. You lay out the facts of the case, the arguments presented by the parties, the court’s judgment, and an explanation for why you believe the case is important. What makes them a challenge is that they adhere to a very specific structure, require a great deal of case research, and require you to express your own opinion of the case based on sound reasoning.

Legal Brief Writing Services

It is completely understandable that so many students write us a message that asks, “Can somebody write my case brief for me?” At TopDissertations.com, we have a team of writers who specialize in law school assignments. They can compose a case brief that is thoroughly researched, well organized, and will impress your professor. All you have to do in order to buy a case brief is fill out the form, specify the length, academic level, deadline, and upload any material that will help your writer do the best possible job. Our legal brief writing service is convenient, affordable and we will always deliver on time!

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Why Choose TopDissertations.com:

  • Deadline delivery guarantee;
  • Original work;
  • Secure payment options;
  • Writing help from sharp legal minds;
  • Free revision (within the first 2 days after the order delivery) if the instructions are not followed;
  • Satisfaction guarantee

Our Prices

Another reason why so many customers buy a case brief from TopDissertations.com is that we keep prices so low without compromising on quality. In fact, our papers start at $13.99 for any type of case brief. Plus your professional legal expert will do all of the necessary research and adhere to all of your structure and formatting requirements. The result is a case brief paper that is original and well written.

Tips for Writing a Case Brief

Law students are often assigned case briefs and for good reason: the ability to analyze court cases and present them in an organized manner is the essence of law. Of course, this does not mean students enjoy writing them. They are tedious assignments that require a significant amount of research, a solid understanding of how law works, and the ability to understand technical concepts that are exclusive to the law. This means using appropriate word choices, structuring the paper in a very organized way, and explaining the facts of the case clearly. For most law students this is too much to handle.

To get started on your assignment, take a look at a legal case brief example or two. It would also be helpful to take a look at law school websites since they all contain templates that can provide good guidance. You will notice that case briefs are intended to be a short version of the case law, but at the same time must contain all of the pertinent information. You might need to gain some writing experience in order to best achieve this.

How to Structure Your Case Brief:

  1. Start with the introduction. In this part of the paper, you will make reference to the title of the case long with the parties involved.
  2. Case details. You will explain the circumstances and issues, facts of the case, and the decision that the court rendered.
  3. Discuss whether you believe the case was properly decided. Make sure to use sound logic and evidence as you either support the opinion or explain why it was flawed.

Final Tips on Writing a Case Brief

Nobody is born with the natural ability to write a case brief. Even bright law students need to familiarize themselves with the guidelines. Here are some suggestions that can help you write an effective paper:

  • Gather all of the facts of the case and create an outline. Having the facts laid out will make it easier for you to put together the case brief. Make sure to catalogue everything so that you will be able to go back and quickly locate all of the information from case files.
  • Create a comprehensive record of everything that has transpired in the court case to date. This includes all of the verdicts, the appeals, and whatever else that will provide a full picture of the case.
  • Develop a list of questions regarding the main issues. In most cases, it is best to structure them as “yes or no” questions.
  • Discuss the legal principles and rules that formed the basis of this case.
  • Carefully explain the legal rationale behind the court’s decision. It should be done in narrative form and incorporate all of the parts of the case along with the reasoning. This is one of the most time-consuming elements of the case brief, but it is also the most important.
  • While you might want to make reference to the concurring or dissenting opinion of the judges, do not focus too much on this as it is little more than a footnote. When the courts themselves identify other court cases as the basis for their decision, they never make note of any opinion other than the one rendered by the majority.
  • Why did you choose this particular case? You will need to explain its importance when presenting it during class. For instance, was it a landmark decision? Is it an issue that is related to controversial legal questions that remain unresolved today?
  • Make sure to think about any questions that your case presents so that when they are discussed in class, your classmates will be able to ponder them and provide their own insight.
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