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PhD Dissertation

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A PhD dissertation and PhD thesis are basically the same type of work – a comprehensive writing about original research that the scholar has done and what was found during that research.  The university that the student is attending and will submit the work will give them set guidelines to follow.  In most cases, the guidelines define the style of the work that is not included in the formal dissertation guidelines for the acknowledgment of the work of others that was included.  You should not ignore these guidelines, as they are designed to help your dissertation flow more smoothly and help you to create a paper that benefits you and your school.  If you are going to get the help of a writing service, you should look for one that has experience in following these guidelines.

For both PhD dissertation papers and dissertations, much research is done in order to earn a doctoral degree. The main difference is in what type of paper it is. Doctoral dissertations are the longest, averaging about 500 pages.  Postgraduate papers are about half as long, and undergraduate papers are about 60 pages long. The paper written for the doctoral degree level is assumed to be more complex, challenging, and in-depth than that of a lower degree level.  Once a student has completed his or her doctoral dissertation, they will have earned the official title of PhD and the recognition that comes with such.  Our company is well-versed in the needs of students at all degree levels.

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For many students, the most difficult part of writing a PhD dissertation level paper is the dissertation defense. During the defense, the student must present the PhD dissertation to a committee of researchers.  The committee can be made up of as many as nine researchers from varying fields, and the questions they ask the student may or may not have a direct bearing on the work.  Even though many students pour an extreme amount of work into their dissertation papers, they may still expect indifference and nonchalance from the committee, who may even try to change the student’s position.  Because of this, many students turn to their advisors for PhD dissertation assistance, and many more also look for the help of professional writing companies like ours to help them write their papers.

While our competitors may resell or publish the PhD dissertation, despite claims that their work is unique, we never will.  We pledge that all of our dissertations, theses, and dissertation proposals are completely original and created for you.  Two weeks after completion of the paper, our automated system will delete all research. So you, as the paying customer, are the only person who will receive the original work.  Even though the main distinction of a dissertation is the originality, our competitors have been known to plagiarize on PhD theses that have already been written and published.  They then sell this stolen material as customized writing to their customers. We have done our own research to back this up. Our company placed anonymous orders with many of our PhD dissertation writing competitors, and every order we placed was found to contain plagiarized material when running through a plagiarism detection program.  On top of this, the dissertation writing quality left much to be desired. Our work is original, and we guarantee that it will be unique, innovative, and done with a level of writing suiting a student of your standing.  On top of this, our research will match the specifications that you send us. If it doesn’t, we will rewrite it at no additional cost until you are completely satisfied.

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Your PhD dissertation level paper is a collective representation of everything you have learned throughout your studies. We understand that this makes it the most important paper you will ever write, so we are very strict about adhering to our guidelines while assisting you with your paper. The prices quoted include the preparations that are needed to complete the paper, including research time, writing, consulting services, editing, questionnaires, typing, and so forth.

If you are in need of original research for your dissertation, PhD dissertation, or research proposal at any level of schooling then we have the qualified and professional service that you need.  Unlike other foreign writing services, our writers have experience in dissertation writing and are native English speakers. Our staff is made up of over 150 professional writers and has the combined experience needed to write any paper on any topic for any length in any amount of time. We will never sell you a prewritten paper. All of the research, writing, data collection and analysis is done by us, and everything is guaranteed to be original and to the specifications that you provided. Once you have placed your order, you can view the status of your paper at any time on any day.  We also have customer support staff available around the clock should you need to ask a question about anything at any time.

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